Saturday, December 2, 2017

Deutsche Marine Alle sechs U-Boote sind kaputt

Sechs U-Boote besitzt die Deutsche Marine - und mit denen würde sie gerne auch fahren. Das kann sie aber nicht. Denn alle sechs sind derzeit kaputt. Warum? Und warum dauert es, bis sie repariert sind?
Von Andreas Schmidt, NDR


All six German submarines are not working, what has this to do with the lost Argentine submarine San Juan?

All six German Navy "Bundesmarine" Uboote / submarines  are not working. They would like to drive them with them. 
Why are all six Uboote currently broken and not in service? 
How long will this happen? When will they be in service again? 
The German Defense Minitry is not able to give a response to this simple question. 
Was the reason to announce this, because of the lost German built Argentine submarine San Juan?
Talking to crew members of this submarines, they said it is a nightmare to have to work on this Uboote!

What are the connections? Are all German built submarines at risk to be lost? 
Why there is not told from the German shipbuilder
Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft, the German Defense Ministry and all other?

Gerardo Señoráns Barcala
Political Scientist - Journalist
Accredited Defense Journalist

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